Master in Accounting and Finance

The Master in Accounting and Finance aims at achieving a level of advanced learning mainly oriented towards academic specialization. This Master is adapted to the European Higher Education Area. It consists of 60 ECTS and includes the preparation of a Master s Thesis. Once this thesis is approved by the referees, the student is awarded with an official Master Degree that enjoys academic recognition in the EU. The student is initiated into research activities that can end up in the doctorate programme and the Doctoral Thesis. This programme has been awarded a Quality Mention by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.
Addressed to:
- Graduate in Business Administration
- Graduate in Economics
- Graduate in Economics and Business
- Public Accountant
- Law Degree
- Engineer
The Master in Accounting and Finance allow you to access our Doctoral Program, or to develope your doctoral thesis in any other doctoral programme related to accounting and finance.
- For farther information about the Master in Accounting and Finance
- Subject codes 2015-2016
- Schedule 2015-2016