Cristina Ferrer García
S33_23R: Socioeconomía y Sostenibilidad: Contabilidad Medioambiental, Economía Circular Corporativa y Recursos
Cristina Ferrer is a PhD Lecturer of Accounting at the University of Zaragoza (UZ). She has taught courses in accounting at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and at the University School of Tourism, in Zaragoza, and at Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, in Teruel. Her PhD dissertation was entitled “Financial information quality and its relevance for the stock market: measurement through earnings attributes”. She has been a Visiting Researcher at Lancaster University (United Kingdom) and Tilburg University (The Netherlands).
Research topics:
Financial Information Quality
International Financial Accounting
Accounting education
Papers selected:
“The effect of previous experience with working in groups on students’ academic performance in the accounting discipline” (with María J. Martínez-Romero, Alba María Priego de la Cruz y Mª Pilar Casado-Belmonte), Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review (RC-SAR), forthcoming 2020 (SSCI Business, Finance, JCR Impact Factor 2018: 1,250)
“The influence of firm characteristics on earnings quality” (with Laura Parte-Esteban), International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2014, 42, pp. 50-60 (SSCI Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism, JCR Impact Factor 2014: 1,939).
“A structural equation model for analyzing the association between some attributes of earnings quality and value relevance. Results from the structural model” (with Susana Callao, José I. Jarne, José A. Laínez), Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, Economics and Management. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 254. pp. 31-39. 2016 (SJR SCOPUS Business, Management and Accounting Impact Factor 2015: 0,205)
“IFRS adoption in Spain and the United Kingdom: effects on accounting numbers and relevance” (with Susana Callao, José I. Jarne, José A. Laínez), Advances in accounting, incorporating advances in international accounting, 2010, 26, pp. 304-313.
“The impact of IFRS on the European Union: Is it related to the accounting tradition of the countries?” (with Susana Callao, José I. Jarne, José A. Laínez), Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 2009, 10, pp. 33-55.