Miguel Ángel Marco Fondevila
Organizaciones Éticas y Responsables(68856)
Gestión de Proyectos(68860)
Prácticas en empresa(27459)
Contabilidad e información para la Economía Circular(69879)
Análisis de estados financieros(27320)
Contabilidad e información sobre sostenibilidad(61429)
Aspectos socioeconómicos de la energía(66391)
Trabajo fin de Grado(27331)
S33_23R: Socioeconomía y Sostenibilidad: Contabilidad Medioambiental, Economía Circular Corporativa y Recursos
Miguel Marco Fondevila is an Assistant Professor in the Accounting and Finance Department of the University of Zaragoza, and member of the research group “Socio-economy and Sustainability” within CIRCE Institute of research. PhD in Accounting and Finance by the University of Zaragoza from 2017, and master degree in Sustainability and CSR and in Energy Management, he teaches in the University of Zaragoza since 2012. His research career is focused in the fields of CSR, sustainability and energy socio-economics, as well as in environmental accounting and circular economy. He has participated in many European projects, collaborating with several European universities as researcher and teacher.
Selected papers:
“Visions, innovations, and justice? Transition contracts in Spain as policy mix instruments” (with A. Sanz, C. Ferrer and M. López). Energy Research and Social Science, 2020, 70, 101762
“Environmental disclosure and Eco-innovation interrelation. The case of Spanish firms” (with JM. Moneva and S. Scarpellini), Spanish Accounting Review, 2019, 22(1), pp. 73-87
“Measurement of the human capital applied to the business eco-innovation” (with R. Ortega, S. Scarpellini and F. Llena), Sustainability, 2019, 11(12), 3263
“CSR and green economy: Determinants and correlation of firms’ sustainable development” (with JM. Moneva and S. Scarpellini), Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2018, 25(5), pp. 756-77.
“Human capital in the eco-innovative firms: a case study of eco-innovation projects” (with S. Scarpellini, J. Aranda, A. Aranda and E. Llera), International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 2017, 23(6), pp. 919-933