Lourdes Torres Pradas
Lourdes Torres is Full Professor of Public Sector Accounting at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). She coordinates the Doctoral Program in Accounting and Finance. She has published many articles in some of the best public administration and accounting ISI journals and several books. She was the leader of the Spanish team in the project e2democracy of the ESF. She is a translator of the IPSAS to Spanish. She has collaborated with the IGAE, the Supreme Audit Institution, and several Regional Audit Offices and City Councils. She has won the Allied Academics Award, the June Pallot Award and others.
Research topics:
· E-government
· Performance and financial analysis in public administrations
· Public-Private Partnerships
· Performance, accounting and audit in public administrations
Papers selected:
· "Are Performance Audits useful? A comparison of EU practices " (with Ana Yetano, and Vicente Pina), Administration & Society, Forthcoming
(SSCI Public Administration, JCR Impact Factor: 2015: 0.687, Q3)
DOI: 10.1177/0095399716658500
· “Performance Measurement in Spanish Local Governments. A Cross-Case Comparison Study” (with Vicente Pina and Ana Yetano), Public Administration, 2011, 89, 3, pp. 1081-1110.
(SSCI Public Administration, JCR Impact Factor: IF2011 1,573, Q1)
· “Is E-Government Promoting Convergence Towards More Accountable Local Governments? (with Vicente Pina and Sonia Royo), International Public Management Journal, 2010, Vol. 13, Issue. 4, pp.350-380.
(SSCI Public Administration, JCR IF2010: 1,949, Q1)
· “Accrual Accounting in EU Local Governments: One Method, Several Approaches” (with Vicente Pina and Ana Yetano), European Accounting Review, 2009, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 765-807
(SSCI Business and Finance, JCR IF2009: 0,633, Q2)
· “E-Governance Developments in European Union Cities. Reshaping Government's Relationship with Citizens” (with Vicente Pina and Basilio Acerete), Governance. An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions, 2006, Vol 2, pp 277-302
(SSCI Public Administration, JCR IF2006: 1, 256, Q2)